Katharina Swoboda, *1984, lives and works in Vienna, Austria. She is currently an Elise-Richter-PEEK fellow at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Katharina is interested in natural-cultural environments and their representation on screen. See also: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/profile/?person=88383
Transdisciplinary doctorate, awarded by the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (Dr. phil. in. art., 2020), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Art and digital media (diploma 2015), University of Applied Arts Vienna (diploma 2012), ECAL/École Cantonal d´art de Lausanne, Arts Visuels (Erasmus 2011, research grant 2012), AVU/Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (research grant 2014)
2021 Voices of Stories and Ghosts. With Kamen Stoyanov. Gallery +359, Sofia, Bulgaria, BG https://plus359gallery.com/en/home-2/
2020 Alyosha and the Cat. With Kamen Stoyanov. Museum House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo, BG http://www.humorhouse.bg/engl/exhibitions/temporary.html
2019 Tionghoa / Chinese Background. Curated by Boris Kostadinov. FLUCA - Austrian Cultural Pavilion, Plovdiv, BG
2018 Vampiric infection. SewonArtSpace, Yogyakarta, ID http://www.sewonartspace.org/
2016 RGB. Curated by Carola Zechner. Galerie Klubovna, Brno, CZ http://www.galerieklubovna.cz/cs/
2015 Living Images. Curated by Pétr Kratky. Galerie 207, UMPRUM Prague https://www.umprum.cz/web/cs/galerie-207
2014 Folgendes: Katharina Swoboda. Curated by Wiebke Schwarzhans. University of Fine Arts of Hamburg [HFBK]. http://www.folgendes.org
2014 Zoographics - Katharina Swoboda. Valletta International Visual Arts Festival, St. James Cavalier, Malta. http://www.vallettaviva.com/
2013 Katharina Swoboda, Thea Möller. Curated by Daniela Grabosch and Mads E. Hvidtfeldt. Friday Exit. Vienna. http://www.fridayexit.at
- Angewandte goes Taipei: Becoming human in times of post-humanism, Taipei, TW
- Kleine Welten. Curated by Astrid Kuhry, Akademie Graz, AT https://akademie-graz.at/programme/kleine-weltensiegfried-fruhauf-anna-k-laggner-malgorzata-markiewicz-wendelin-pressl-katharin-swoboda-stefanie-weberhofer-roswitha-weingrill/
-photo graz 024. Steirische Fotobiennale. Curatorial Direction for the Exhibition: Gerhard Gross. https://kulturvermittlung.org/steirische-fotobiennale-photo-graz/
- Kinematograf - Summer Cinema program, Sofia [S] https://kinematograf.bg/programa
- MIFVIF. Maracay International Film & Video Festival [S] https://mifvif.weebly.com/other-2023-945730-764250.html
- Short Film Factory, Târgu Mure, RO [S]
- Kiez Berlin Film Festival, Luisa Catucci Gallery, DE [S]
- E-Animals. Broadcasted by ORF 3. https://tv.orf.at/program/orf3/pixelbytes128.html
- Screening of New Films by GPC Members in the Frame of the “Refinerymonastery” 20th Biennial of Art in Pančevo, RS https://en.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/687575696503160832/screening-of-new-films-by-gpc-members-in-the
- Indizien. Kunsthaus Graz, AT. https://www.museum-joanneum.at/kunsthaus-graz/ausstellungen/ausstellungen/events/event/11016/the-golden-pixel-cooperative-1
- Short cinema selection by kinematograph, Kino Vlaikova Sofia, BG [S]
- Club Fargo Plovdiv, BG [S]
- Club Fargo Plovdiv, BG [S]
- Wake Words. Conceived by Enar de Dios Rodríguez, Olena Newkryta, and Marlies Poeschl. Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna, AT https://www.kunstraum.net/ de/ausstellungen/105-wake-words
- Asphalt – Urbaner Grund und Hintergrund. off_gallery, Graz, AT https://offgallery.at/ausstellungen/asphalt/
- Pools. Kleiner Raum für aktuelles Nichts, Berlin, DE http://kleiner-raum-fuer-aktuelles-nichts.de/
- And I gaze if I want to. Film screening curated by Marlene Denningmann, in the framework of art festival Easterfield, Hamburg, DE https://www.kunstverein.de/veranstaltungen/kino-and-i-gaze-if-i-want-to [S]
- flora pondtemporary / Mother Of Pearl, section curated by Antonia Rahofer- Flora Pondtemporary, AT https://en.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/656706456869109760/florapondtemporary
- Space for Kids: Footprints in a Sea of Data. Kunsthalle Karlsplatz, curated by Andrea Hubin, Michaela Schmidlechner, Michael Simku, Martin Walkner. https://kunsthallewien.at/en/exhibition/space-for-kids-footprints-in-a-sea-of-data/
- photo graz 020, Galerie Marenzi, Leibnitz, AT
- Supergau-Festival. Flachgau, Salzburg, AT https://www.supergau.org/projekte/
- They I Sie I Oni, online project, curated by Maja Ćirić, http://they-sie-oni.goldenpixelcoop.com
- Steiermark Schau, Mobiler Pavillion. Curated by Astrid Kury. Various locations in Styria, AT https://www.steiermarkschau.at/ausstellungen/mobiler-pavillon
- When Gesture Becomes Event (with Golden Pixel Cooperative). Curated by Alenka Gregorič and Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Künstlerhaus Wien, AT
- Kinoshot, Short Film Festival, Cherkasy, UA [S]
- In the Palace International Short Film Festival, Varna, BG [S] https://www.inthepalace.com/en/17th-palace/festival/17th-film-programme.html?view=byfilm&letter=QQ==&filmId=13683
- I long to be close to you: Cinema and moving image, Studio Molière, Vienna, AT [S]
- Durst. Curated by Alice Wilke. Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Wien, AT
- Wild Wild Æst. Video Screening Programm, Æther Haga, The Hague, NL [S]
- Two Journeys, Part 1. Short film program, initiated by Viktoria Schmid and Lisa Truttmann. Medienwerkstatt Wien, Vienna, AT and Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, US https://en.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/188088741091/twojourneys [S]
- Reflect Festival. Film Shorts curated by Adia Trischler. WUK, Vienna, AT
- White Light. Short film program. FLUCA - Austrian Cultural Pavilion, Plovdiv, BG
- Looking at buildings I. Video screening curated by Bianca Pedrina and Vasilena Gankovska. FLUCA - Austrian Cultural Pavilion, Plovdiv, BG https://plovdiv2019.eu/bg/events/1824-fluca-looking-at-buildings-i-28-june-2019 [S]
- Digital Ecologies II. Curated by Curated by Dimitrina Sevova. Ancient Bath, Plovdiv, BG http://www.digital-ecologies.arttoday.org
- Natural Data. Curated by Martina Stefanova, Blagoevgrad City Art Gallery, BG
- Big screens shatter easily. Curated by Katharina Swoboda/Golden Pixel Cooperative. Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz, AT https://www.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/183566290807/big-screens-shatter-easily-linz
- Out Of The Box///Instant Magic Series. Conceived by Voin de Voin. Æther Art Space, Sofia, BG
– Weisses Licht. Short film program. Medienwerkstatt Wien, AT https://2018.viennaartweek.at/de/program/kurzfilmschau-golden-pixel-cooperative-weisses-licht-ii.html [S]
– Mahalla Festival. Curated by Sabine Küper-Büsch and Thomas Büsch. MUZA, Valletta, ML
– photo graz 018. Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz, AT http://www.kulturvermittlung.org/
– Veto Film Edition #06, Metropolis Kino, Hamburg, DE http://vetofilm.com/aktuell/ [S]
– WRO on Tour #26. Conceived by Magdalena Kreis and Krzysztof Dobrowolski. BWA Gallery, Zielona Gora, PL http://wro2017.wrocenter.pl/en/ontour26/ [S]
– The Future does not always come after. Concept by Nataša Bodrožić / Motel Trogir. MKC Gallery, Split, HR https://slobodneveze.wordpress.com
– Façade Video Festival 2018. Plovdiv, PL http://facade.arttoday.org/ [S]
– The W:OW Project 2017. Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, CA http://wow.engad.org/wow-18-usa/
– WRO on Tour #22. Compiled by Paweł Janicki http://wro2017.wrocenter.pl/en/ontour22/
– Operaismo Naturale: Ecology of the Event. Curated by Dimitrina Sevova. Ancient Bath, Plovdiv, BG http://digital-ecologies.arttoday.org
– Weisses Licht. Short film program. Metro Kinokulturhaus Vienna et al. [S] http://www.filmgarten.at
– Staging Mimicry. Curated by Marlies Pöschl and Katharina Swoboda. Depo, Istanbul [S] http://www.goldenpixelcoop.com/
– Löwensafari. Curated by Peter Fischer. Kunsthalle Luzern, CH http://kunsthalle-luzern.ch/loewendenkmal21-ausstellung-zur-loewensymbolik.html
– Die Kunst - zu Leben. Concept by Hermann Götz. Kunstuni, Standort Reiterkaserne, Graz, AT https://www.kug.ac.at
– Spot on Nairs. Curated by Christoph Rösch a.o. Fundazion Nairs, CH http://www.nairs.ch/programm
– Untertage - im Waldhuus I best of visaarte zürich & guests. Curated by: Daniela Minneboo & Sandra Oehy, section curated by Dimitrina Sevova. Waldhuus, Zurich, CH
– Staging Mimicry. Curated by Marlies Pöschl and Katharina Swoboda. In cooperation with Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, CN [S] http://www.chronusartcenter.org/en/austrian-consulate/
– Kunstraum Steiermark 2017. Curated by Günther Holler-Schuster. Neue Galerie Graz, AT https://www.museum-joanneum.at/neue-galerie-graz/
– Kunstkebab. Curated by Deniz Güvensoy and Deniz Beşer. Museumsquartier U2 Passage, Vienna, AT https://kunstkebab.tumblr.com
– When Architecture Becomes Reminiscence (A Long-Forgotten Experience). Concept by Nataša Bodrožić / Motel Trogir, Zagreb, HR http://moteltrogir.tumblr.com
– Mahalla Festival Istanbul. Curated Sabine Klüper-Büsch, Thomas Büsch. Istanbul, TR
– WOW Austria. Curated by: Roland Wegerer Calcutta Stories, Kolkata [S]
– Black Quarry: Form(less) Dweller of Life. Curated by Dimitrina Sevova and Alan Roth, Corner Collage Zürich, CH http://www.corner-college.com/
– Eine Grün, von Fern gespiegelt. Curated by Marlies Pöschl. Notgalerie St. Josef, Vienna, AT http://www.goldenpixelcoop.com [S]
– Mapping (with) Plants. Curated by Dr. Andrea Klier. HFBK Library, Hamburg, DE http://www.hfbk-hamburg.de/en/
– Camouflage. Organized by WRO Center for Media Art Foundation & Griffin Art Space Foundation. The Koszyki Hall, Warsaw, PL http://wrocenter.pl/en/kamuflaz/
– Wro On Tour #1. Compiled and presented by Dagmara Domagała, Magdalena Kreis. Okiem Młodych Festival, Świdnica, PL
– WRO Biennale 2017: Draft Systems. Wroclaw, PL http://wrocenter.pl/pl/biennale-wro/
– Mediterranea 18. BJCEM Young Artist Biennale. Tirana and Durrës, Albania. http://www.bjcem.org
– The Frame that blinds us. Curated by Mare van Konigsveld and Katharina Swoboda. APA Galeria Budapest, HU and FLUCA Austrian Cultural Pavilion, PLovdiv BG www.theframethatblindsus.info
– (IM)PERSONAL. Curated by Boris Kostadinov in cooperation with Leo Kuelb Collection. LLLLLL. Vienna, AT and Manhatten Bridge, NCY http://www.llllll.at, http://www.leokuelbscollection.com/live-stream/
– Home- a Space to Live. Online Project curated by Vasilena Gankovska. Open Space. http://www.openspace-zkp.org/
– Kunststücke 2016. Galerie Bildraum 07, Vienna. http://www.bildrecht.at/bildraum
– Graz Contemporary. Gotische Halle, Graz. http://kultur.graz.at/kulturamt/
– Kunstraum Steiermark. Curated by Günther Holler-Schuster. Auditorium, Neue Galerie Graz. https://www.museum-joanneum.at/neue-galerie-graz
– Promotional Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts. Curated by Zoran Erić. Neue Galerie Graz. https://www.museum-joanneum.at/neue-galerie-graz/
– Errors of Beauty. Contemporary Austrian Art. Curated by Boris Kostadinov. National gallery, Sofia, BL.
– End!angered Species. Curated by Dimitrina Sevova, Kunstverein Wagenhalle. Stuttgart, D http://kunstverein-wagenhalle.de
– Hotel Europa. Video exhibtion. Concordia, Enschede, NL. http://www.concordia.nl
– One Month: After the materialization of the art object from 8 to 31 July, 2016 Temporary art space, Cologne. http://www.temporarygallery.org
– Perform Painthink. Curated by Domenico Mühle. ART for ART Theaterwerkstätten, Vienna.
– On the search of ... Thomas Pynchon. Curated by Lennard Dost. Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, NL. http://www.nieuwevide.nl
– Kunststücke. Künstlerhaus, Vienna. http://www.k-haus.at
– Golden Pixel Cooperative: Frozen Frame / Turning Frame. Curated by Nathalie Koger in cooperation with – Vienna Art Week. http://www.viennaartweek.at
– You've Seen Me Before. Between Appropriation and Déjà-vu. mumok kino, museum moderner kunst kunst stiftung ludwig wien, Vienna. https://www.mumok.at [S]
– Vanishing Points. Apadana Gallery, Isfahan, Iran. http://www.goldenpixelcoop.com [S]
– Xwra Video and Media Art Festival. Curated by Anna Vasof. Artland Xwra, Ipati, Greece.
– Mujeres alcanzando la luz. Curated by Ursula Maria Probst. Casa Museo del Banco Nacional, Panama.
– Public Communication: Knowledge of the Body. Curated by Joe Joe Orangias and Max Fields. BlueOrange Contemporary, Houston, Texas. http://www.blueorangehouston.com
– VIDEOABEND: (P)review Video. Motorenhalle, Dresden Germany. http://riesa-efau.de][S]
– Vanishing Points. Curated by Nathalie Koger and Marlies Pöschl. Sammlung Lenikus, Vienna. [S]
– Vanishing Points. Curated by Nathalie Koger and Marlies Pöschl. Limited Access Festival, Teheran. [S]
– In der Kubatur des Kabinetts: Pockets of resistance. Curated by Ursula Maria Probst. Fluc, Vienna http://www.fluc.at/
– WE ARE HERE BeCAUSE YOU WERE/ARE (t)HERE. Curated by Lennart Dost. das weisse haus, Vienna. http://www.dasweissehaus.at
– Photo Graz 2014. Biennale der Steirischen Fotokunst. http://www.kulturvermittlung.org
– Annenstraße-Weibsbilder-Preis 2014. Galerie Blaues Atelier. Graz.
– Naturmaschine. Ein Versuchslabor. Viertelfestival, Gmünd. http://viertelfestival-noe.at/
– London Vienna Calling. Atelierhaus Lehargasse, Vienna. http://londonviennacalling.wordpress.com
– Zum Thema Essen. YIX. Haus am Yppenplatz. Vienna.
– Waldflimmern. Best-off screening. Top Kino, Vienna. http://www.waldflimmern.at [S]
– London Vienna Calling. Mile End Art Pavillion, London. http://londonviennacalling.wordpress.com
– P/ART. Producers Artfair. Kolbenhof, Hamburg. http://www.part13.com
– Work presentation. Motorenhalle, Dresden. http://riesa-efau.de
– ASA Open Studio. Karolinenstraße, Hamburg. http://www.hfbk-hamburg.de
– Momente der Wandlung. Österreichisches Kulturforum, Budapest. www.okfbudapest.hu
– Momente der Wandlung. Aktionsradius, Vienna.
– In peculiar galaxies. Friday Exit, Vienna. http://www.fridayexit.at
– Schiller. Academy of Fine Arts Vienna/Seeste Bau AG, Vienna. http://www.akbild.ac.at
– Lafin C´estmerde. Atelier Jörgerstraße, Vienna. http://www.lafincestmerde.at
– Naked Fire. Kunstpavillion, Innsbruck. kuenstlerschaft.at
– Crossbreeds. Kabelwerk, Vienna. www.imflieger.net
– Burka. Osztrák Kulturális Fórum/ Österreichisches Kulturforum, Budapest. www.okfbudapest.hu
– photo_graz 12. ESC im Labor. Graz. http://esc.mur.at
– Sessions 1-3. Lafin C´estmerde, Vienna. http://lafincestmerde.at
– Diploma exhibition. Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna. http://transmedialekunst.com
– I fought the X and the X fought back. National Museum of Fine Arts Valletta, Malta.
– I fought the X and the X fought back. Muzeul de Arta Cluj-Napoca, Rumania. http://www.macluj.ro
– Metamart. Kunst und Kapital. Künstlerhaus, Vienna. http://metamart.at/
– D.A. Direct Action 2011. Month of performance art. Berlin; Hannover. http://www.i-a-m.tk
– Klasse Explosion. Online Project. http://www.klasse-explosion.at/
– Werk im Werk 3. Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Werk, Vienna. http://www.daswerk.org/
– Stills: Screening und Ausstellung. Top Kino, Vienna. www.topkino.at [S]
– Aktuelle Videoarbeiten. Galerie Lukas Feichtner, Vienna 2010. www.feichtnergallery.com
– Urban Gardening Pocket Films, Vienna 2010. http://www.filmdelights.com] [S]
– Photo_graz 10. Stadtmuseum, Graz 2010. http://www.kulturvermittlung.org]
– Flipt. Daumenkinofestival, Linz 2010. www.daumenkino.at
– Sensationen. Kunsthalle Project Space, Vienna 2008.
– Nie mehr allein. Verteilte Urheberschaft. Schikaneder, Vienna 2008.
– Vienna Independent Shorts Wien, Vienna 2008 www.viennashorts.com] [S]
– Teotrotoc Street Theatre Festival, Prague 2008
– Land.Art Rosegg, Carinthia 2008. www.roseggonline.at
– European Month of Photography. Semperrdepot, Vienna 200
– Ursula Blickle Videolounge, Kunsthalle, Vienna 2008. http://www.ursulablicklevideoarchiv.com
– Im Spannungsfeld nach Mass Xxy. Soho Ottakring, Vienna 2007.
– Chorprobe. Performanceabend. Kunsthalle Project Space, Vienna 2007
2018 Adata Air, part of the programme of Plovdiv – European Capital Of Culture 2019, BG
2018 SewonArtSpace, The Austrian Federal Chancellery, Yogyakarta, ID
2017 Artist-in-Europe. Scholarship by the Province of Styria. Brussels, BE
2017 off/line. Swiss Artsfoundation for Peace, Zemo-Nikozi, GE
2017 NCCA Art Residence in Kronstadt, Saint Petersburg. http://www.ncca.ru
2016 WRO art center. In collaboration with Austrian Cultural Center Warsaw. Wrcoclaw. http://wrocenter.pl/en/katharinaswoboda/
2016 Motel Trogir: East is West of the West. Split, Trogir. http://moteltrogir.tumblr.com
2016 Fundaziun NAIRS. Contemporary Art Center. Scuol, Switzerland, 2016. [http://www.nairs.ch]
2015-2016 Kunstraum Steiermark Atelierstipendium. Graz, Austria.
2014 Nida Art Colony. Artist-in-residency-programme. Nida, LI http://www.nidacolony.lt
2013 Kamov- City of Rijeka Residency. Scholarship by the province of Styria. Croatia. www.kamov-residency.org
2013 ASA working scholarship. A. Toepfer Foundation and University of Fine Arts of Hamburg.http://www.hfbk-hamburg.de
2024-2027 Elise Richter PEEK grant, FWF/Austrian Science Fund, AT https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/research-radar/10.55776/V1036
2023 Art acquisition, MA7, City of Vienna, AT
2022 Art acquisition, Provincial Government of Styria, AT
2022 Staatsstipendium/State stipend for media art, Austrian Federal Chancellery [BMKOES], AT
2021 Pixel, Bytes + Film | Artist in Residence, AT
2021 With The Golden Pixel Cooperative / Price for Innovative Cinema, Diagonale Graz, AT
2018 Façade Video Prize. Open Arts Foundation, Plovdiv, BG
2017,2018 Project grants. Austrian Federal Chancellery [BKA]
2016 Ankaufspreis für zeitgenössische bildende Kunst/Aquisition. Province of Styria
2016 Production grant. City of Graz, AT
2015,2016 Project grants. Austrian Federal Chancellery [BKA]
2015 Auslandsstipendium für Bildende Kunst der Stadt Graz
2015 Pro Exzellenzia. PhD scholarship. Hamburg
2014 Research grant. "Aktion" Austria-Czech Republic, CZ
2013-14 Arbeitsstipendium/working scholarship. University for Applied Arts, Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research [BMWF]
2013 Start-Stipendium/scholarship. Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts and Culture
2013 Scholarship. Emanuel and Sofie Fohn Foundation, Vienna
2013 Grant. Video Master class. International Summeracademy for Fine Arts, Dresden, DE
2013 Horizon 2020. Short film competition. Awarded concept. Austrian Research Promotion Agency [FFG], Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2013 Waldflimmern. Short film competition. Awarded film. Vienna
2012 Anerkennungspreis der Stadt Wien/Recognition award City of Vienna
2012 Förderungsstipendium/advancement scholarship, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
2011 Auslandsstipendium/study abroad scholarship University of Applied Arts, Vienna
2010 Projektförderung/project funding. Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
2010 Grant. International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Salzburg
2010 Urban Gardening Pocket Films. 1st place in competition. Vienna
2008 Hoanzl Publikumspreis/audiance award. Vienna Independent Shorts
10/2023 Lecture"E-Animals", at symposium Not Quite King, Not Quite Fish, Vilnius.https://www.vda.lt/en/news/artistic-research-symposium-not-quite-king-not-quite-fish
05/2023 Lecture at Bauhaus Lab Concrete Antarctic, Dessau. https://www.bauhaus-dessau.de/de/akademie/bauhaus-lab.html
09/2022 Video Presentation of short film program "Liquid Times, Embodied Places." In the framework of the conference "Situated in the global", IFK Linz. https://en.goldenpixelcoop.com/
12/2020 Let’s Talk: The Mahalla-Share-House. Public Zoom Conversation. http://mahalla.inenart.eu/
11/2020 Invited guest at "Ästhetische Kulturen - Master Forschungskolleg", Zurich University of the Arts, CH
10/2020 Online-Lecture at dfi Symposium "Banden Bilden". https://www.dokumentarfilminitiative.de/
11/2019 Lecture „Alyosha and the Cat“. With Kamen Stoyanov. SKLAD, Plovdiv, BG http://www.alyosha.info/symposium.html
07/2018 Lecture „Vampire Graves“. SKLAD, Plovdiv, BG
12/2017 Lecture "Empty Frames". Staging Mimicry. Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, CN
11/2017 Lecture. Zoo and the Anthropocene. Sexy Land, Amsterdam, NL
11/2017 Solo Presentation"Excursions/Excursies". Steiermark-Büro, Brussel, BEhttp://www.kultur.steiermark.at/
10/2017 Performance "To Performen Muche Time". Sympodium, Corner College, Zurich, CH http://materials.corner-college.com/
08/2017 Lecture-performance "Video Narratives", Corner College, Zurich, CH
08/2017 Artist Talk. Intimnoe mesto, Saint Petersburg, RU
08/2017 Artist Talk. NCCA Art Residence in Kronstadt, RU http://www.ncca.ru/en/events
12/2016 Lecture. Hazy borders of the heart. Acud Berlin, DE http://acudmachtneu.de/events/773/hazy-borders-of-the-heart/
10/2016 Lecture-Performance "Grouping Penguins". Kunstverein Wagenhalle, Stuttgart
10/2016 Artist talk. WRO art center, Wroclaw, PL http://wrocenter.pl/pl/katharinaswoboda
09/2016 Bestiarium. Rappresentazioni dell’Umano e dell’Animale. Università degli Studi di Verona, IT. https://bestiariumconvegno.wordpress.com
09/2016 Im Trüben fischen. Tiere in den Künsten und der ästhetischen Forschung. Zurich University of the Arts. https://www.zhdk.ch/
08/2016 Open Studios. Nairs. Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst. Scuol, Switzerland. http://www.nairs.ch
10/2015 Artist talk. National Centre of Contemporary Arts, Baltic Branch. Kaliningrad, RU http://www.ncca.ru
06/2015 salon ig. Katharina Swoboda, Zoographics. In conversation with Martin Fritz. IG Bildende Kunst. Vienna, AT http://www.igbildendekunst.at
01/2015 VorOrt Künstlerinnenstammtisch. Graz, AT http://vorort.weblog.mur.at
12/2015 Folgendes. In conversation with Jana Seehusen. HFBK Hamburg, DE
08/2014 Open Studios day. Nida Art Colony, Nida, LT http://www.nidacolony.lt
04/2014 Transition and migration. A room that. Spinnerei Leipzig, DE http://artroom-leipzig.de
12/2013 Lecture at CAS Audiovisul Seminars at FAMU/ Film Academy Of Performing Arts, Prague, CZ http://cas.famu.cz
08/2013 Work presentation. Dresden International Summeracademy for Fine Arts, DE http://riesa-efau.de
Elastic Chronologies. With: Olena Newkryta, Simona Obholzer, Marlies Pöschl and a collaboration between Daniel Hüttler, Pille-Riin Jaik, Klaus Rabeder and Janina Weißengruber. Curated by: Katharina Swoboda. Exhibition design by: Pernille Christensen. Medienwerkstatt Wien, Vienna, AT. https://en.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/765851192046862336/elastic-chronologies
10/2022 Liquid Times, Embodied Places. Compiled by Lisa Truttmann and Katharina Swoboda. In the framework of the conference "Situiert im Globalen", Kunstuni Linz, AT https://www.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/696177378763948032/liquid-times-embodied-places
04/2022 The Golden Pixel Cooperative: Indizien. Curated by Katrin Bucher Trantow, Michaela Humpel, Katharina Swoboda. https://www.museum-joanneum.at/en/kunsthaus-graz/exhibitions/exhibitions/events/event/11127/the-golden-pixel-cooperative-3
10/2021 Liquid Times, Embodied Places. Compiled by Lisa Truttmann and Katharina Swoboda / The Golden Pixel Cooperative. Part of the festival THE NEW NORMAL Der Mensch, die Natur und das Leben in Zeiten (nach) der Pandemie, Volkstheater Wien. https://en.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/664490943836258304/liquid-times-embodied-places-short-film
08/2021 Reframing Nature: Stone Narratives. Short film program. Nationalpark Gehäuse, AT. Compiled by Lisa Truttmann and Lisa Swoboda / The Golden Pixel Cooperative https://www.goldenpixelcoop.com/post/657879943759429633/reframing-nature-stone-narratives
01/2018 Sena Başöz / Lisa Truttmann. Memphis, Linz, AT. Within the program series „Conversations with Non-Conventional Companions“. Curated together with Marlies Pöschl/Golden Pixel Cooperative.
12/2017 Staging Mimicry. Film screening. Curated with Marlies Pöschl/Golden Pixel Cooperative. Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, CN http://www.goldenpixelcoop.com/
07/2017 Beate Gatschelhofer: Ohne Titel, ohne Anrede. Keramischen Installation im Rahmen des "Ortwein-Stipendiums" des Landes Steiermark. Museum für Geschichte, Graz. http://keramikartcraft.info/
06/2017 The frame that blinds us. Showcase @FLUCA, Plovdiv, BG
03/2017 The frame that blinds us. Curated together with Mare van Koningsveld. APA Gallery Budapest. www.theframethatblindsus.info
11/2016 On being... Performance evening by GoldenPixelCooperative and Sorority. Spektakel, Vienna, AT http://www.goldenpixelcoop.com
– Neue Galerie Graz. Universalmuseum Joanneum http://www.museum-joanneum.at
– Wiener Städtische, Vienna Insurance Group. http://www.vig.com
– Ursula Blickle Videoarchiv, Vienna. http://www.ursulablicklevideoarchiv.com
– National Museum of Fina Arts Malta, Valletta. http://heritagemalta.org
– Gerahmte Tiere: Zoobauten als Sujets in Film und Video. Berlin: Dom Publishers 2023 https://dom-publishers.com/products/gerahmte-tiere
– “Zoological Architectures and Empty Frames”, Journal for Artistic Research, 26, 2022 https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/823739/1621840/0/0
– “E-Animals: Videos aus dem Zoo”, Tierliche Zukünfte, Tierstudien. Berlin: Neofelis 2022, pp. 53-62
– "Gerahmte Tiere: Zooarchitekturen und Bewegtbild" (Framed animals: zoo architecture and moving images) [text part of dissertation] doctoral thesis, University of Fine Arts Hamburg, 2021 https://ediss.sub.uni-hamburg.de/handle/ediss/9020
– "Framing the Connection", Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund + Köln (Catalogue) 2021, pp. 89-91
– "Vía Verde. Greening a Highway in Mexico City", Flora: Language Arts in the of Informations, ed. by Elena Peytchinska and Thomas Ballhausen. Edition Die Angewandte. De Gruyter 2017, pp. 286-297
– "Von der Demilitarisierten Zone zum Friedenspark. Eine Spekulation", Mapping (With) Plants, ed. by Hanne Loreck, Material Verlag, Hamburg 2016, pp. 112-177
– "Index", Bewegungsformen, ed. by Heike Mutter and Wiebke Schwarzhans. Material Verlag, Hamburg 2016, pp. 121- 133
– Löwendenkmal 21: Das Löwendenkmal Luzern im Fokus aktueller Kunst. Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich 2022
– Katalog zur STEIERMARK SCHAU. Die Ausstellung des Landes, Teil 1, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz 2021
– Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund + Köln. Festival catalogue, 2021
– Durst. Exhibition Catalogue. Kunstraum Niederösterreich 2020
– Transmediale Kunst | Transmedia Art. Lightness and Matter. De Gruyter 2018
– Landes Kunst- und Kulturpreise des Landes Steiermark 2017
– Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale. Catalogue. BJCEM (ed.) Tirana 2017
– Inszenierte Projekte. Beatrix Sunkovsky (ed.) Die Angewandte, Vienna 2017
– Förderungspreis des Landes Steiermark für zeitgenössische bildende Kunst. Graz, 2016
– Nieuwe Vide‘s Journal of Humanity. Ytje Veenstra, Lennard Dost (ed.). Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, NL, 2016
– Bildobjektroman. Beatrix Sunkovsky (ed.) Die Angewandte, Vienna 2015
– Landes Kunst- und Kulturpreise des Landes Steiermark 2015. KSG, Graz 2015
– Mujeres alcanzando la luz. Exhibition catalogue. Botschaft der Republik Panama. Vienna, 2015
– Public Communication: Knowledge of the Body. Max Fields (ed.). Housten 2015
– Annenstraße-Weibsbilder-Preis 2014. Exhibition catalogue. Verein M.I.A.Z.W.O.A. Graz, 2014
– Photo Graz 2014. Handbuch. Kulturvermittlung Steiermark. Graz, 2014
– ViVA. Valletta International Visual Arts Festival. Festival catalogue. Malta, 2014
– Wahnsinn. Reader. Pro Scientia, Vienna, 2014
– Frauenforscherin. Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft der Universität Wien. Vienna, 2014
– London Vienna Calling. Exhibition catalogue. Catharina Bond (ed.) Vienna, 2014
– Sterz. Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und Kulturpolitik. Heft 107 „Freundschaft“. Graz, 2013
– Kunstpreise des Landes Steiermark 2013. Kultur Service des Landes Steiermark. Graz, 2013
– P/ARTS. Producers Art Fair. Catalogue. Hamburg 2013
– Momente der Wandlung. Exhibition catalogue. Budapest 2013
– Schiller. Exhibition catalogue. Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2013
– Inszenierte Projekte. Beatrix Sunkovsky (ed.) University for Applied Arts, Vienna 2013
– Photo Graz 2012. Exhibition catalogue. Graz 2012
– Burka. Exhibition catalogue. Budapest 2012.
– I fought the X and the X fought back and won. Catalogue. Raphael Vella (ed.). Arta, Valetta 2011
– Intimate Spaces. Ein Kunstprojekt von Giorgia Creimer. Schlebrügge.Editor, Vienna 2011
– Photo Graz 2010. Exhibition catalogue. Stadtmuseum, Graz 2010
– Land.Art Rossegg 2007-2009. Catalogue. Marktgemeinde Rossegg, 2009
– Steiermark-Schau. Abseits der Strecke lebt die Legende Rindt auf. In: Kronen Zeitung, 03.07.2021, https://www.krone.at/2453068
– Dreizehn Künstler reflektieren in Kunsthalle über das Löwensymbol. In: Luzerner Zeitung, 6.5.2018 https://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/kultur/luzern-dreizehn-kuenstler-reflektieren-in-kunsthalle-ueber-das-loewensymbol-ld.1018775
– The Lion, the “Which” and the War Told. InEnArt, 9.5.2018 http://www.inenart.eu/?p=23552
– Kerethelyzet. Migráció, kelet és nyugat az APA-ban. 15. März 2017. Artportal. https://artportal.hu/magazin/kerethelyzet-migracio-kelet-es-nyugat-az-apa-ban/
– Die Flüchtlingskrise aus künstlerischer Sicht. Ausstellung „The Frame that blinds us“ in der Galerie A. P. A. 10. März 2017, Budapester Zeitung. http://www.budapester.hu/news/die-fluchtlingskrise-aus-kunstlerischer-sicht
– ARTfaces. Katharina Swoboda. June 30, 2015. http://www.kulturservice.steiermark.at
– Katharina Swoboda (Make yourself an expert HUB 2015). https://vimeo.com/akbild/
– YYYYYMMDD. Interview/Exhibition with Katharina Swoboda. February 27, 2015 http://www.yyyymmdd.de/interview-katharina-swoboda.php
– The animal that I am: Katharina Swoboda. Malta Today. September 7, 2014. p.27 http://www.maltatoday.com