2018, video, 17min, hd, sound, color
camera: Katharina Swoboda, Kamen Stoyanov, sound: Sara Pinheiro, voice: David Siegel, singer: Lise Huber
The Lion of Atlanta is a project about a monument in Atlanta. The Lion of the Confederate Soldiers was erected at Oakland Cemetery in 1894, where many unknown soldiers were buried during the American Civil War (1861 to 1865). The monument was modeled after the famous Lion of Lucerne in Switzerland. It was commissioned by the Lady Memorial Association to honor The Lost Cause. The three most important places to learn about the Civil War in Atlanta are the Oakland Cemetery, the Atlanta History Museum and the Cyclorama, which depicts the battle of Atlanta. In the video, another place is added: the house of Margret Mitchell, the author of Gone with the Wind.
This video was produced in the framework of «Lion Monument 21» A Multi-Annual Project by Kunsthalle Luzern 2017 – 2021. http://www.loewendenkmal21.ch/en/about/
Löwensafari. Curated by: Peter Fischer. Kunsthalle Luzern, CH http://kunsthalle-luzern.ch/loewen-safari.html
The Lion, the “Which” and the War Told. InEnArt, 9.5.2018 http://www.inenart.eu/?p=23552
Dreizehn Künstler reflektieren in Kunsthalle über das Löwensymbol. Luzerner Zeitung, 6.5.2018 https://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/kultur/luzern-dreizehn-kuenstler-reflektieren-in-kunsthalle-ueber-das-loewensymbol-ld.1018775