2016, video, hd, 5:30min, colour, sound, 2016
sound: sara pinheiro

The video consists of night footage shot at the Kaliningrad Zoo, RU. The only light source was a flashlight. The video is dark and it is mostly unclear which animals are actually seen in shots with a color pipette and subsequent masking. Visible animals:

0:24 bird
0:30 flashlight is searching for animals - no animals visible
1:02 something goat-like
1:27 something like a dear
1:40 lama (probably)
1:50 only house
2:00 deer cage
2:07 bear
2:30 bear
2:35 architecture
2:44 tiger
3:00 seal
3:20 seal
3:45 kangaroo
4:20 chicken
4:44 white peacock
4:56 white birds.

presentation: Offene Ateliers. Nairs. Center of Contemporary Art, Scuol, Switzerland. 08/2016
supported by: "Auslandsatelierstipendium". City of Graz, Austria

thanks to: Baltic Branch of NCCA
Kalingrad Zoo

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