2013, video, hd, 3min, colour, sound
camera: Carlo Clopath
The work is about the transportation of cut down trees by helicopters in Graubunden, Switzerland. The sky is shown, which is repeatedly traversed by „flying trees“: conifers or evergreens, commonly firmly rooted in the mountains, become uprooted. This way of carrying trees is not uncommon in the mountains, but quite expensive and therefore rarely applied.
Weisses Licht. Short film program. Medienwerkstatt Wien, AT, 2018
Weisses Licht. Short film program. Metro Kinokulturhaus Vienna et al. [S], 2018
Waldflimmern. Best Off Screening. Top Kino, Vienna. 2013
Kurzfilm im Vorprogramm. Top Kino, Vienna. 13-27. Dezember 2013
London Vienna Calling. Atelierhaus Lehargasse, Vienna 2014
IM)PERSONAL. LLLLLL. Vienna, AT and Manhatten Bridge, NCY, 2017
Graz Contemporary. Gotische Halle, Graz, 2016
Errors of Beauty. Contemporary Austrian Art. National Gallery, Sofia, BG, 2016
Naturmaschine. Subetasch, Viertelfestival Niederösterreich, AT 2014
Waldflimmern Kurzfilmwettbewerb. Awarded film. Vienna 2013